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Very hard general knowledge quiz
Question 1 of 10
The Cape Colony's chief gemologist said that Schalk van Niekerk's diamond was just a pebble. Where was he?
Question 2 of 10
Before he was overthrown, Juan Peron planned to inter what wife of his in a monument larger than the Statue of Liberty, depicting a descamisado peasant?
Question 3 of 10
Which household electronic item would you adjust to Frequency Modulation?
Question 4 of 10
The Tamils are a minority in India, as well as in what Sinhalese island nation to India's south?
Question 5 of 10
The pink and white marble Palazzo Ducale is better known as the Doge's Palace, and it's found on what city's Grand Canal?
Question 6 of 10
What national park has been called "the place where hell bubbles up"?
Question 7 of 10
If the Soviet Union had invaded the United States, what might they have renamed Kansas City, to make it sound more Russian?
Question 8 of 10
Christa McAuliffe was to have been the first civilian in space. What did she do for a living?
Question 9 of 10
What dish did Prime Minister Luang Phibunsongkhram popularize in the 1930s and 40s as a symbol of Thai nationalism?
Question 10 of 10
What country's red, white and green tricolor can be traced to the 1797 flag of the Cispadane Republic?

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