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Movies Quiz
The 1999 millennial panic movie 'End Of Days' stars who as retired cop Jericho Cane?
Hitchcock's masterpiece, Rear Window, stars which actress?
Which of these is a sword-and-sandals movie from 1960?
What was George Clooney's job in Up in the Air?
The romantic film Almost Famous was released in which year?
Where was Crocodile Dundee's homeland?
What is the name of the princess in Shrek movie?
In what year was Sleeping Beauty released?
Who was the Gladiator in the 2000 movie?
Tom Cruise was in which of the following movies?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Do you know who these famous people from the 60s and 70s are?
Do you remember the 50s?
Literature Quiz