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Literature Quiz
What is the name of Dudley's best friend in the "Harry Potter" books?
In the book "The Velveteen Rabbit", on what special day was the Rabbit brought home?
Which rocker had the autobiography called 'Life'?
In the poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, how many men are on the "Dead Man's Chest"?
In the "Harry Potter" books, what education do the children of wizards have before Hogwarts?
Which word is an indefinite article?
In Greek mythology, what is the name for that which existed before the world was formed?
What young adult novel by Gayle Forman follows 17-year-old Mia Hall after an automobile accident?
Who is the narrator in Joan Didion's "A Book of Common Prayer"?
In "Rip Van Winkle", what game did the mountain men play?
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